Training and Experience

Nina Maier, is a teacher of Meditation, Qigong and Taijiquan.  Nina began her study of Taijiquan and Qigong in 1994.
She continues to explore meditation, Chen and Wu(Hao) Taijiquan long forms three different Qigong Sets, Old Style Yang Sword form, San Shou (a two person choreograph set), and Push-hands(Taijiquan sparring). These primary studies were under the guidance of Dr. Jay Dunbar and Kathleen Cusick, teachers of Magic Tortoise Taijiquan School. She has studied Taiji Short Stick form, Tangquan and Push-hands with Almanzo Lamoureux (Lao Ma), Director of Black Bamboo Pavilion.

Nina has also received instruction from other teachers in these arts: Jou, Tsung Hwa; Peter Kay; Dr. John Painter; Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming; Paul Gallagher; Chungliang Al Huang; Master Zhu, Tian Cai; Master Shi, Zheng Zhong; Grandmaster Huang, Chien-Liang; Susanna DeRosa; Master Zhou, Herman Kauz; Barbara Penn and received certification to teach Tai Chi for Arthritis through Caroline DeMoise. In April 2013, she was certified to teach the first two sections of 8 Immortals Flute: Tai Chi Bang by Master Jesse Tsao.
Nina won a gold medal in form at the 1997 USAWKF National and International tournament in Baltimore, MD. In 2000, she also competed in Carolina Association of Chinese Martial Arts (CACMA) Tournament, winning a bronze medal in forms and a gold medal in Push-hands. She was an active participant in the Magic Tortoise Teacher Training Program: a program designed to produce quality teachers of Taijiquan. She participated in two cycles of this extensive program.
She has been teaching since 1998. She is dedicated to the preservation and sharing of the arts of Meditation, Qigong, and Taijiquan to promote self-understanding, personal health and a deep sense of well-being.
She is currently teaching classes at Orange County Recreation Dept., The Passmore Senior Center in Hillsborough, and The Seymour Senior Center in Chapel Hill. She is also teaching at the Durham Regent Retirement Community, The Forest at Duke, and The Cedars of Chapel Hill.
Nina developed Water Taiji, which presents Taijiquan in water and has taught this class at Duke Diet and Fitness Center, Duke Health and Fitness Center, UNC Wellness Center at Meadowmont, and Structure House. She has taught beginning Taijiquan at Rice Diet Center, Duke Center for Integrative Medicine and Structure House. She developed and taught a weekly Taiji class for The Duke Health and Fitness Center for their Parkinson’s Exercise Program. Also, she has instructed classes in many corporate facilities in the Triangle area, as well as, special programs in local private schools.
She led a class for the Active Living Expo presented by The National Multiple Sclerosis Society and developed and taught classes for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s and presented them at several annual Moving Day events.

Nina was recertified in T’ai Chi for Arthritis, by Caroline DeMoise, in 2013
She has current CPR Certification and is insured.

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